EROP-Moscow |
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Endogenous Regulatory OligoPeptide knowledgebase |
EROP-Moscow: release of 29-Jun-2020, 26751 entries. |
Project was performed by
Computer biochemistry group in A. N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 33 Leninsky prosp., Moscow, 119071 Russian Federation
and supported by
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Grant 02-07-90175 and the Program "Molecular and Cellular Biology" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Grant 10P.
EROP-Moscow is a curated oligopeptide (2-50 amino acid residues) sequence database which strives to provide a high level of annotations (such as descriptions of the structure of an oligopeptide, its source and function, post-translational modifications, etc.).
First reference: Zamyatnin A.A. EROP-Moscow: Specialized data bank for endogenous regulatory oligopeptides, Protein Sequence and Data Analysis, 4(1), 49-52, 1991.
Last reference: Zamyatnin A.A., Borchikov A.S., Vladimirov M.G., Voronina O.L. The EROP-Moscow oligopeptide database. Nucleic Asids Research, 34(Database issue), D261-D266, 2006. |
EROP-Moscow author: Alexander A.Zamyatnin,
EROP-Moscow design and programs: Alexander S.Borchikov, Mikhail G.Vladimirov
<Legal disclaimer and copyright notice. Version 1.1, Aug 2003. Last updated on 29-Jun-2020> |